Sunday 21 July 2013

Mitchell Falls by Susan

However, to get there involves a very corrugated rocky road……………we may have been shaken to bits……..a flat tyre on the trailer but the Ssangyong held up beautifully. Haven’t had to pull the duct tape out yet!
We actually had a night at King Edward river on the way, with a nice swim at the top of the mini falls there and a look around at a couple of Aboriginal art sites close by. The Aboriginal Kimberley rock art is quite something, very old and 3 distinct different time periods with lots of the Bradshaw figures (for those who know of them). The ranger up at Mitchell Falls (where there are another 2 fabulous sites you can get up close to) is something of a guru on it all as he has had some quite prominent people from the archaeology world come and do research, digs and dating. (including the guy who discovered the “hobbit” in Indonesia.)
When we reached the Mitchell falls camp site it was very hot so we made the 800m trek into Little Mertons waterfall and had a great swim in the pool at the bottom and climbed up and around behind the waterfall, checked out the fantastic Aboriginal rock art while we were nice and cool and then walked up the top of the falls and swam there too.
The next day we did the big hike in past Little Mertons ( which we didn’t think was so little) into BIG Mertons waterfall (OK towering cliffs and a huge gorge………Little Mertons is little!) and then around the top of the plateau over to the Mitchell river and the top of the falls where we had a great swim for about an hour in the eddys and currents……..(Wet and Wild eat your heart out). Then we went around an enjoyed the spectacular view of Mitchell falls from the cliff tops and tried not to think about the fact that we were just swimming at the top of that huge drop! Then to top the day off a helicopter ride back which the boys all absolutely loved! BUT they forgot the DOORS!!! I’m sorry but I really do think that if you are being supported by a tiny little rotor blade and dangling over a HUGE waterfall and gorge and your pilot is going to tip the thing on the side that doors would (or at least a much tighter seatbelt/20 point at least harness) would have made me feel just a little more secure.

Have to say it was an absolutely fantastic day we topped it off by taking a couple of beers to the top of Little Mertons waterfall to watch the sunset while the kids played in the water. Must mention poor Woodsy got kept awake by the Quolls doing night raids under the camper trailer and into the back of the car.......... rest of us slept great.
 Kalumburu/Mitchell Falls Rd....nice corrugations!!
 King Edward River falls
 Artwork near King Edward River
 Another snake....brown tree snake well spotted by Lachlan
 Little Mertens Falls
 Mertens water monitor
 Great swim on the top of Mitchell Falls

 Fall from the helicopter
Mitchell Falls
 A selfy from the chopper....Susan hanging on for dear life
The boys......I can understand though, 2hrs 15min to travel 76km

1 comment:

  1. How did you just manage to find a helicopter at the top of the falls?? Looks like you are all having a great time, looks fantastic! It is freezing here and the wettest July for 17 years apparently... and it isn't even finished yet!Take care, loving the blog

